(Carlacot Azure x Sulyka Mischa at Elbereth)
DOB 9/3/88
Sasha lived with the Easton family
A beautiful tricolour bitch – who had a fairy tale show career, when I saw Sasha when Kiva joined the Easton’s I went wow, can I take her to a show? I naively entered her for Bournemouth, not thinking she had never had any ring craft training – picking her up on route to the show. At the show I tried to get her to stand – and when she saw the bait she simply sat up and begged! Cute but not quite what i needed. So a quick lesson was required – hey presto! she soon got the idea – and under breed specialist Jack Chetwynd, won Best bitch on her debut, qualifying her for Crufts! Where she went onto win BB at Crufts 2004.